Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mother's Day Card

My husband for almost 29 years gave me the sweetest Mother's Day card.  The message was so perfect for us.  My husband, Robert, has never forgotten to buy a card for any special holiday or occassion.  God put us together through a mutual friend.  We agreed to meet on a blind date March 21, 1981.  On that first awkward date we knew we were ment for each other.  By the first of April Robert asked me to marry him.  In the month of May he gave me an engagement ring.  We chose a month that would have the 21st on a Friday.  That month was August. 

On August 21, 1981 I married the love of my life.  Through the years we've been through some hard times.  But we've had more happy than sad.  For that I am so grateful.  The Lord has given us 5 beautiful children.  We have been truly blessed.

This Mother's Day I want to share the card my husband gave me...

For My Wife

Hand in hand, we've met
life's changes
and challenges.
Side by side, we've shared
our most precious dreams.
Together, we've made
a beautiful family
and a loving
and lasting partnership
we both can depend on.

On Mother's Day
and every day.
I hope you know that I grow
more in love with you each year
and more thankful that you are
my wife, my love,
and my very best friend.

Love Robert

Monday, May 10, 2010

If It Were Up To Me

I've listened to others stories.  And thought that if it were up to me I would have done this or that.  It seems a lot easier to admit what I would do if it's someone else's event.  I've had a few events in my life where I've even thought that "If I had to do it all over again, then I would do....."  I think we've all done that.

There's been events occur that I'm glad that God made the decision.   There are some decisions that are hard to make.  I believe God is a sovereign God.  He knows all things and sees all things. I don't always understand "why" God would choose events the way He does.  Honestly, I can't understand some of His choices.  How could my little brain ever be able to conceive the heart and mind of God?  He created me and the scripture says the "He knows the intent of my heart."  "He knows the number of hairs on our head."  He knows more about me than I know about myself.  The Bible says my "heart is desperately wicked who can know it?" 

As a parent, I have had to make choices for my kids.  They didn't necessarily agree.  When my kids were toddlers and they wanted a cookie 30 minutes before dinner, they would be very upset with my "unfair" answer of "NO.".   Toddlers don't understand how close dinner is and that they need to save their appetite for the meal.  God does that same thing for us.  We don't always see the near future or see what is best for us.

Also, I would let my children choose some things for themselves.  For example, they may ask for some cookies, pieces of candy, or something.  I would answer, "You can have 3 or 4."  I know they will pick 4.  But I was giving them the opportunity to pick the lesser one. Sometimes they would ask to stay up later.  I would give them the choice of 9:00 or 9:30.  And of course everytime they would choose 9:30.  They felt like they were really making some big decisions on their own.  When all along they were really choosing what I wanted them to choose. 

Then there are choices in life that I am so grateful that God just goes ahead and decides for me.  Maybe I would have been afraid to choose.  Or maybe I would have been unable to choose.  When our children were teenagers, we would tell them that if they were ever invited to go somewhere and found it hard to say "No."  Then they could blame us and say, "I can't go.  My Mom and Dad won't let me."  We gladly took the blame in order to encourage our teens to make a positive choice.

There are a lot of events in life that God goes ahead and chooses.  I don't always understand His choice.  Because if it were up to me I would have made a different choice.  For example how can God allow one dedicated believer to suffer with cancer.  And an unbeliever never get sick.  I watched my uncle suffer and die from throat cancer.  He never smoked nor drank alcohol.  He was a preacher and singer.  If it were up to me I wouldn't have chosen for him to die that way. 

I know of a family whose toddler had a cancerous tumor.  Through treatments and medicines he is currently in remission.  I heard of a family this week whose 3 year is dying of cancer.  Over the week end doctors notified the family that the toddler has a few days of living.  If it were up to me I would not have this godly family loose their baby to cancer. 

I know of families with children born with genetic disabilities.  The disablilities range from mild to severe. Babies having open heart surgery at 1 week old.  Babies being born premature and risk having severe mental disabilities.  If it were up to me I would have chosen "healthy" babies.

If it were up to me I would be sure that young people didn't experiment with drugs and alcohol and then have to battle with addictions for the rest of their life.  I've attend funerals were accidents happened and babies, teenagers, and young adults lost their lives before their life began. 

You know what? I'm so thankful that life events are NOT up to me.  Because you see I would mess everything up.  There's a sense of relief to know that God chooses.  He creates and He chooses.  His purpose far exceeds my good intentions.  If believers did not experience these and many other events...how would we ever know what a great God we serve? 

Without difficult events we wouldn't know how God comforts in times of loss, grief, and hardships.  How would we know where our strength comes from?  This is how our faith grows. 

Although my flesh still struggles with if it were up to me syndrome.  I thank the Lord, He over rules my intentions and works in my life inspite of myself.  My friend, if you are in the middle of a crisis...you can truly rest in His arms.  As your heavenly Father, He sees not only your future, but the future of the loved one that's suffering or experiencing challenges. 

Like my teens felt relief and a sense of freedom to allow their parents to decide...so I can feel freedom in knowing God is good.  God is in control.  God is love.  God is peace.  God is.  And if it were up to me I will rest knowing that God is in charge of my life. I don't need to worry.  All I need to do is trust Him. 

Are you trusting the God who can make the difference?  Are you trusting the God that not only created you so therefore He knows you better than anyone?  Are you resting in the God who has shown how much He loves you by sending His only Son to die for you?  I pray you are.  Because if it were up to me...you will.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Flower Gardens & Souls

I love to garden.  I enjoy planting vegetable and flower gardens.  Working and digging in the soil is therapeutic for me.  When I select the right flowers, for the right areas of my yard, I put my gloves on and start digging.  When I finish the newly planted flower pots and/or beds I give them a good watering.

It takes a lot of time and energy to get a planting project started and finished. Yet the finished product is fulfilling.  I can walk around the yard and see the plants grow, blossom, and give off a pleasant aroma.  I never get tired of looking and seemingly watch the flowers grow.

One summer, when my two oldest children were preschool age, I was successful in growing some annual flowers up close to the house.  I don't remember the name of the flowers, but they were red and grew about 2 feet tall.  This particular summer, these red flowers grew thick and beautiful.   My son, then 3 years old, went outside and did something that was unforgettable.  He took his shoe off and knocked down every single red flower.  I mean there wasn't one petal of red left standing.

When I walked outside and seen his successful kill, I didn't know if I should cry or laugh.  I asked him, "Brandon!!! Why did you kill all of Momma's flowers?" And my sweet little preschooler looked up at me and proudly proclaimed, "It's okay Mommy.  I was trying to kill a wizard. (lizard)  And I got him!" 

No serious gardener would never take the time to nurture a plant then just go and step on it.  Thus crushing the plant and never enjoy the beauty of the blooms and/or fruit.  Yet, as believers we sometimes do just that.  Not to plants, but to people.

I know of  fellow believers who say they love the Lord.  They say they care about others souls.  They will even give a witness or ask ...."Are you a Christian?"  This is all good.  But not every Christian are good witnesses for Christ.  Just like not every person who loves flowers are good gardeners.

To ask someone "if they are a Christian" then openly criticize and cast judgement on them is stepping on them.  Sometimes one may share their negative opinions to others.  Then they wonder why they haven't led someone to Christ.  How silly it would be for a gardener to plant and nurture their new plants...then go and step on them.  You may brag about planting and tell what all the varieties of plants they are.  But No One is going to come over and see and enjoy your garden with you.  There will be no summer evening with a glass of ice tea relaxing near a beautiful flower bed.  Why do fellow believers step or tear down the ones they are trying to win? 

These fellow believers can not share their faith and show others their fruit of other believers.  They can not lead someone to Christ when they are stepping on them.  When they are being critical and judgemental of others they are not going to have beautiful souls surrendered to Christ. 

You've heard the saying, "People won't care how much you know until they know how much you care."  When Christ rescued the harlot from being stoned...He did not bring up her terrible life style.  Instead He brought up the sins of her accusers.  We need to be more focused on the souls of people not the external.  We need to let people know we care.  Truly care. 

Don't fake your love for someone.  Don't act like you care.  Your true concern for them will be noticeable.  Just like a gardener who says they love plants yet they keep stepping on and killing the plants.  Here's  one example...Have you ever invited someone to go to church with you and then have a strong opinion about they look.  Not the right clothing standard, not the right hair cut, not the right clean hygiene, and not the right social status. 

It's okay to have a personal preference to outward appearances, but we are talking about bringing others to Christ.  To do that with success...you have to leave your personal preferences out.  You have to set the priority to the soul of the individual(s) that you are wanting to lead to Christ.  Love them first.  Be sure they know you care. And then you are to really care and really love. 

Do people see Christ in you?  Do others see Christ in me?  I hope so.  Because at the end of the day...that's all that's going to matter.  If they can't see Christ through His own children...how can they ever come to know Him? 

May God bless you as you live your life as a witness for Christ.   Be a spiritual gardener.  Love the souls of men like Jesus does.