Friday, July 27, 2012

Be Still

What do you think of when you think of God?

If you could discribe Him, what would you say?

Psalm 46:10 says, Be still; and know that I am God....

God is the creator of the universe. God spoke our world into existence.
Yet, He took the time to form mankind.

God kept the sun still so Gideon would have enough daylight to win a war.

He healed the sick and raised the dead.

The winds and waves obeyed Him.

Virgin born.

         Paid the sin debt of all who will believe.

                                             Rose from the dead.

                                                                      In spite of sin, especially mine, He forgives.

                                                                                  He made eternal life available to all who would ask.

Of all these, and more, there are times that all God wants me to do is to just be Still.

I wonder if He's mistaken.

Wouldn't He want me to do some great work?      Serve on a mission field?             Feed the hungry?
Give shelter to the homeless?             Teach a class?           Donate to an orphanage in a foreign country? 


He just wants me to simply be STILL

There's nothing simple about being still. Just ask a child in a church service. LOL  A child wiggles and giggles in BIG church.  Moms try every trick known to man to get their child to listen to what the preacher is saying. 

A flick 
A Pinch 
A tug 
An Evil eye 
Last but not least.... Take em out. (of the sanctuary...that is)

Parents go through the pains of teaching children how to sit, somewhat, quiet and still, because the greater good is in the lessons learned from the message.

Lord, forgive me for being wiggly.

Have you ever be drawn into a story and you didn't even realize how much time had past?


Because you were lovin' every second and every word.

Forgive me Lord for not being like the deer that is thirsty at the brook.
Forgive me Lord for not being like Mary and sit at your feet in worship.

"I feel the touch of hands so kind and tender. They're leading me in paths that I must trod. I'll have no fear for Jesus walks beside me. For I'm sheltered in the arms of God.

So let the storms rage high.  The dark clouds rise.  They won't worry me.  For I'm sheltered safe within the arms of God. He walks with me.  And naught of earth shall harm me. For I'm sheltered in the arms of God."

Three years and twenty five doctors later, I am still waiting. Is it MS? Tumor? Brain Injury? Numerous symptoms, loosing mobility, loosing vision....

 Things I am NOT FAITH,  my Family, and  my Friends.

Lord today I renew myself to You.  I give you ALL of me.  I love YOU.  I praise You. I worship You.

I am S T I L L. 


Travelin' On said...

Beautifully written Donna. I believe I hear your heart. May you feel His presence as you are "still" with Him. Blessings! Donice

Anonymous said...

God is in control, even when we question if he is there, if he is listening, if he cares..... He is simply saying, "be still and know that I am God". Some of our greatest blessings come from our greatest triials. - Kristi

Anonymous said...

Just patient, I know about all this
time and doctors and no results, now I know what I have but no cure.
Sometimes we just have to live with it and still trust in the Father to do what is best for us and make everyday the best that we can and do what we can for Him!
