Thursday, February 10, 2011

New Direction - Will you come with me?

When my children were preschoolers, I use to write down my thoughts, feelings, devotional inspirations.  I didn't realize I was journalling.  I did it because it caused me to think.  It gave me something concrete to see God's hand and remember how He was working in my life.

I remember those early days of staying at home with my kids.  I chose to stay home but what was happening in the "real" world got loss sometimes.  I wondered if I was doing anything important.  If I was doing anything right.  Mostly I think I wondered if anyone noticed or cared. 

I still have some of those early writings.  When I read over them I see how God was there.  How God's hand guided me, encouraged me, comforted me, and forgave me.  I wondered if I should throw them away?  When I die would I want my kids to read them?

The writings were meant to be between God and myself.  I only have 2 regrets.  One I should have been more honest.  And I should have wrote more.  I couldn't write everything.  We didn't have a computer to store my writings until I was ready to print or post.  So when you're busy "mothering"...things like writing didn't come very often.  I also love to paint.  But after my, then 2 year old, son, Brandon got into my oil paint and smeared in on my bedspread and wall... I had to put my paint aside too.

I started writing a blog a couple years ago.  I now do two blogs.  The second one is a video blog that ministers to women through instruction, helps, and encouragement. (Womanhood GFF) In the past whenever I posted on the Godfreyhouse blog, I wrote my posts more as a devotional of my thoughts.  This year I want to be more diary or personal with my post.  But I've been afraid.

There I've said it.  Fear has been a struggle for me for almost 2 years.  And this fear has made me less confident in myself and some ways in the Lord.  This year I would like to begin the journey of setting myself free from this fear.  Well let me re-phrase that.  I want to allow the Lord to set me free from this stronghold "FEAR". 

                     (Video: Give Me Jesus by Fairview Baptist Choir)

I'm not afraid to die.  I'm not afraid of people.  I'm not afraid of the economy.  I am afraid of situations that have and may still physically hurt me.  (Including unknown medical mysteries.)

Bare with me as I step out and open up.  I'm not looking for approval, praise, or compliments.  I'm looking for freedom.  I know where to go to get it.  I am willing to take the readers of this blog with me. 

That is if you want to go.

2 comments: said...

Ok friend, I'm willing to go with you. May we all learn how to walk in His Freedom. - Nancy said...

Ok friend let's go. May we all be willing to help one another walk in the freedom of Christ. - Nancy