Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Life Markers

In my daily devotions, I'm reading the book of Romans. Yesterday I read chapter 4. I was blown away in verses 18-22. Paul talks about Abraham and his faith. After re-reading that portion of scripture several times...I felt so convicted.

There have been events in my life where I know my faith strengthened and carried me through. Those events are my life markers. In almost 50 years I can recall 7 of those markers.

*My first marker was before I met my husband. I went to college and moved out of my parents house. The event was difficult for them and our relationship was very tense for 5 years. God is real.

*My second marker was the process of adopting our first adopted child. I spent 4 years praying, crying, and seeking God for another baby. In the 18 months of adoption waiting, we had 5 adoption to not go through. That was a very dark time for me. Then in Nov. 1991, God so graciously assured me that I WILL have a baby. Then in Jan 1992 we received a phone call, that our baby was ready to be picked up. He was born Nov. 16, 1991. God is good.

*My third marker was 7 years of dealing with extended family issues concerning the race of the child we adopted. That difficult time is over, forgiven, gone, and healed as if it never happened. That's a God thing. God is powerful.

*My fourth marker was the year I turned 40 years old. I tore my ACL in my right knee. In 3 months time I had 3 knee surgeries. The third surgery was very depressing to me. It took 2 years to gain full use of my leg. God is faithful.

*My fifth marker was when we got a collect call from the county jail. Our oldest son was arrested for drug possession. He served 2 weeks in jail and 4 months in rehap 500 miles away from home. I still can hear the sound of the chains as he led the chain gang into the courtroom. My heart was broken. God is strong.

*My sixth marker when our first grand baby was diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder. I tried to be up for my daughter and her husband, but I was tore up inside. I cried everyday for 2 weeks. I cried every time I thought of that sweet baby and her Momma. I struggled with accepting and understanding God's purpose. I asked God, "What are You thinking?" God is loving.

*My seventh marker is a car accident I was in. One summer afternoon, life was good, weather was beautiful, and I was on a mission. Then out of nowhere, a 16 year old boy tries to cross the highway. And BAM, I hit his truck on the front passenger tire area. I thought I had died. When I came to and felt the enormous about of pain...I realized I lived. God is eternal.

Will I have more life markers? Oh yes! When? I hope no time soon. But I want to keep Abraham's testimony close to me.

The Bible says of Abraham...who against hope BELIEVED in hope... When there's no light, believe that there will be light at the end of the tunnel. When there is no hope, there is hope through Jesus.

And being NOT WEAK in faith... Abraham wasn't perfect. He made mistakes. But when God told him at 100 years old that he was going to have a baby.... his faith was never shaken. Verse 20 says, "he STAGGERED NOT at the promise of God" Wow!

What Abraham did was he stayed STRONG in faith, giving GLORY TO GOD, and being FULLY PERSUADED that, what He (God) had promised, He was able also to perform.

Wow! That's faith. Isn't that awesome? I want the faith Abraham had. I can have that faith. We both serve the same God.