Friday, December 9, 2011

F U M B L E !!!!!

One of the most exciting parts of a football game is when there's a fumble and your team recovers the ball.  Fumbles occur unexpectedly. That's what makes them so exciting.  If your team is behind, the recovery gives new life, new hope to win the game.  If your team should be ahead, a recovered fumbled helps to seal their victory.

When I first married, Robert, I learned very quickly that either I am going to have many years of torture or I will learn the sport and enjoy it.  I chose to learn and enjoy football.  I like sports anyway.  How hard could it be?

Turns out, football is really fun to watch.  The players are not so bad on the eyes either.

Growing up I loved to run.  I loved basketball and softball.  I ran and played every chance I had.  When I was in High School, I wanted to join the basketball team.  Then, girl's basketball was half court.  There were 3 guards and 3 forwards.  You were forbidden to cross the center line.  Hahahaha...not sure what would happen if you did.  But I loved it.  My Dad would not let me play.  He said, "Sports are a waste of money."  :(

Robert and I have enjoyed watching our children play sports.  We've sat for many hours in chairs and bleachers.  We are currently sitting in college stadiums watching one of our sons play football. 

Jamin, child #3, is a sophomore in a Division 1 2A college, kicking football.  He has accomplished several mile markers this season.  At one point in the season he ranked as high as 3rd in the NCAA. He tied a school record for the 2nd longest field goal. Jamin also broke and set a new school record on the number of field goals made in a season.

Our son is not an ordinary kicker.  Of course I am his mother, number one fan, and I am the one writing this blog.  :)

But .....


Jamin is not an ordinary kicker.  He's 6'3" weighs 185 lbs.  He can dead weight lift over 400 lbs. This season he has been credited with 5 tackles.  Four of which were solo tackles.  In the last game of the season Jamin kicked the ball off.  As the runner was coming, he realized that he may be the last player to stop a run back.  But an amazing thing happened....

F U M B L E !!!!!!!

Jamin found himself recovering a loose ball.  His first fumble recovery.  Football fans, players, coaches all know what happens on the bottom of a recovery pile.  There's a lot of pinching, scratching, and clawing to get the ball loose....again.  Players learn quickly that to recover the ball is one thing.  Keeping possession of the ball is another. 

After the game Jamin was so excited.  He said his teammates were yelling, "Hold on to the ball Jamin!" "Hold on to the ball!"  As the referees unpiled the stack of players, Jamin proudly came up with the ball in his hands.  He had maintained possession.  He endured the pain from the other players. What a moment for a player to experience.

I look at my life.  I've experienced many victories.  I've, unfortunately, had some fumbles too. 

I've dropped the ball. 

I haven't always supported my husband like I should have.  I have dropped the ball. 

I've not always been a good mother.  I'm sure I haven't prayed enough for my children.  I haven't taught them enough about God, school, friends, and sex.

I'm sure I've not been as friendly to others as I should have been.

Thank GOD I serve a God of second and third chances.

I have the Heavenly Host, Holy Scriptures, friends and family cheering me on. "Hold on Donna!" Hang in there!" "Jesus is with you!" "You're NOT alone!" "God loves you!"

Lamentations 3:22-23 (KJV)

It is of the LORD's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

In spite of my life fumbles.....

In spite of the scratches, pinches, and clawing this life puts on me and you....we can recover. 

You will recover.      I will recover.

This is not my final play. 

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Where Did I Go?

When my children were little the game "Hide and Seek" gave them lots of pleasure.  Now my 3 year old grand daughter,  sits on my lap and covers her eyes, (sort of) expecting me to not see her.   I then look around the room yelling, "MIKAYLA! WHERE ARE YOU?"  With a big smile on her face, she giggles with the sweetest joy when I act surprised and say, "OH! THERE YOU ARE!".  Then we hug and do it all over again and again.

Since my car accident nearly two and a half years ago, I  experienced many physical changes.   

The first several months were filled with so much pain and frustration.  I couldn't get doctors to understand or listen to me about my pain.  On impact I was not able to raise my arms.  Three days after the accident, I was able to raise my left arm. 

Nine days after the wreck I seen an orthopedic specialist in Knoxville.  He assured me that my arm was hurting because I was not moving it.  I argued back and said, "UH NO! I don't move my arm because I am hurting."

This "specialist" said to me, "I don't understand what you are not so happy about?"  I replied, "Because two weeks before my accident I was operating a chain saw.  Now I can't wash the bathroom mirror." I REALLY wanted to forget my manners and  kick him in the "......." And while he's curled up on the floor, I could have said, "Why, Dr. M? I just don't understand what it is that you are not so happy about?"

After a MRI, CT scan, more x-rays,  six weeks physical therapy, and a second orthopedic, it was discovered I had a broken rib and a bruised lung. URRGGH. 

I decided any future orthopedic doctor was going to be using a walker.  Someone who will not treat my age, but my injury.

My next and third orthopedic had just recovered from a hip replacement. 


He operated on my right shoulder and found two legiments were torn and multiple bone spurs.  All injuries from the force of the impact my body experienced in the accident.

After ten months, I began to feel better.  I was seeing postive progress. I was able to get out and enjoy my life.  I was coming back. be continued.......

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

PTSD Really Stinks!

Our brain is a powerful part of our anatomy.  Our brain was created to be the control center of our body.  The brain is not just physical.  It's emotional as well.  That emotional part has taken over my life.  I think about the cartoon, "Pinky and the Brain".  Two mice who want to "TAKE OVER THE WORLD". 

My car accident was June 1, 2009.  But it wasn't til April 20, 2011 that I was diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD. Now my confusion, hyper sensitivity to sounds, avoidance, insomnia, and depression made sense.  I was immediately placed on an anti-depressant.  The neurologist at Emory Hospital, prescribed Paxil 20 mg and highly recommended I start receiving counseling. 

I was nervous starting an anti-depression.  Was this the beginning of some place where I didn't want to go?  Would I be taking it longer than I ever intended to take it? Would it help?  Do I really need it? Lots of questions.  The endless questions added anxiety on top of the anxiety I was already living with in PTSD.

Like a good patient, I started the new medication as directed. I began to pray and seek out a counselor.  I googled all I could about PTSD, anti-depressant medications, and treatment.  All the info was helpful.   Other than prayer and family/friend support, the best decision I made was finding a counselor.  Counseling helps with the many questions.

Counseling is not the easiest treatment.  At least for me is isn't. A lot of times it's hard.  Pride had to be put aside.  After all I was handling myself quit well on my own.  Shame had to be rendered powerless. What would people think of me when they find out I see a "shrink".  What about the counsel I have given to hundreds of other women?  Would anyone care to listen to me now?

Trauma, hard times, and struggles happens in every one's life.  It could happen for several reasons.

One, because it's just life.  It happens. God Almighty could miraculously change or prevent events in life.  But for the most part if it's raining and you run out to your car, if you don't have an umbrella or a rain jacket you will get wet.

Second, because of our own life decisions.  You've heard the phrase "Reap what you sow"?  Some events happen because we made choices that will have a consequence that's difficult to manage.
After posting and re-reading, I felt I should add something here.  Sometimes "others" make decisions that directly or indirectly have an impact on our lives.  As bad as I hate to say it, but sometimes we may reap from someone else's sowing.  For example, a rape or child abuse of any and all forms.  I'm sure there are many other examples where someone else made choices that you were not in any way responsible or the blame.  Yet you may suffer or struggle.  Such as with PTSD.

Third, because God wants someone else to be comforted.  (II Corinthians 1:4) Years ago, when one of my children was struggling with addiction...I, very matter of fact, told God, I didn't want to comfort another parent while their son/daughter struggled with an addiction.  But, as you've guest it.  It's been my pleasure to hug and cry with several Mom's whose sweet children have gone through this difficult journey.

And last, but not least, fourth, because God wants a little glory.  The Bible, John 9:2-7, tells about a community that judged a cripple man as a direct result of some sin that his parents must have committed.  But Jesus rebuked the "town know it all-ers".  "This man is crippled, not because of any wrong doing of his parents nor of his own.  But that he may be healed and God receive ALL the glory for the hardship this family endured."

PTSD is not a picnic.  In fact I hate it. 

Would I choose this journey again? 


But would I change it? 


And miss what my Lord has for me?

Not a chance. 

Lots of prayer.   Lots of tears.   Lots of support.  What a good God I serve.

Happy Anniversary to the Love of my Life

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Early Birthday Surprise

Birthdays are an exciting event.  Uh when you're 7 years old.  I had one birthday party as a kid.  I turned 13.  I had several of my friends over.  I remember  playing games, laughing, and talking for hours in the front yard.

Many birthdays have come and gone since that birthday party.  This year I will be.....drum roll please.......50.  It's amazing to think I am 50 years old.  LOL 

I've lived long enough to have experienced love, joy, sadness, and pain.  I have a wonderful husband, 5 beautiful children, and 1 precious grand daughter.  Something else I have and cherish are friends.

God has blessed me with many friends.  I consider myself to have many friends.  My Facebook says I have 1,027 friends. When in reality I only have 10.  LOL  I truly believe I can call dozens of ladies and guys my friend. 

Vickie and I surprise Beth for her 50th with a pedicure.
I have been blessed to have a handful of ladies that know me well.  They've seen my good side and my bad.  And, amazingly enough, we are still friends.  These friends even know via a text message if my "OK" answer is for real or is there more to it.  Those friends text or call back for details.  Out of my handful of lady friends there are 2, who the three of us know one another in great detail.  

Their names are Beth and Vickie. Vickie and her husband live in another state.  We've been mutual friends for 25 years. We've cried. laughed, prayed, rejoiced when our children succeeded, wept when they've struggled, sang, worshiped, ate, traveled. attended graduation, weddings, and funerals together. 

Several weeks ago I was struggling with some depression.  I was discouraged with my physical limitations.  My heart was broken with some treatment and test results of my youngest child.  My heart was burdened for a wayward child.  Doctor bills are long and money is short.  My husband is stressed.  And I just wanted to stay in my bed.

My church planned a ladies conference the first week end of April.  It wasn't going to be very long, just Friday evening and Saturday morning.  Priscilla Shirer was to speak on "Life's Interruptions".  I really wanted to go.  I asked my husband if we had the money to go.  He told me there were a couple of doctor offices that over charged us.  If I call and get them to refund us I would then have the money. 

Praise the Lord not only did we get refunded but it was enough that I invited another friend and could pay for her ticket.  God is so good. 

I wasn't well and able to attend a Sunday service to get the tickets in advance.  The Sunday before the conference I brought my money and was going to buy two tickets.  That morning Beth stopped me.  She said, "Donna, here's you a ticket." I replied, "Why, I'm buying my ticket this morning?" "Well, here I bought yours.  Now, don't loose it."  "Ok? Thanks." 

I told my husband about the unexpected blessing.  Now I know the Lord wanted me at that conference.  My ticket was paid for and the money I was going to use to buy my ticket will buy gas.  God is just good like that.

I was like a kid waiting for Christmas morning.  I was so excited to see and hear what God had for me.  I told the friend, who I was buying her ticket, that I wonder if I set my clock up would Friday night come any faster.  LOL She clearly reminded me that it would not.  Bummer. 

Praise God Friday came.  By Friday night I was ready to be fed from His Word.  I was ready to be refueled with His Spirit.  I wanted to get out of my bed.

My friend came to my house and rode with me to the meeting.  It was going to be exciting.  I could already feel the Lord's presence.  We arrived at the church.  Beth called, "Donna when you come in BE SURE you come to the LAST door.  That's where I have seats saved." Alright....that is what I will do. 

Beth and Vickie surprise me for my 50th.
We sign in, got our books, Beth was there directing us to the last door. AND AROUND THE CORNER...OH MY GOODNESS.... Vickie jumps out and says, "SURPRISE!"  Beth and Vickie both say, "Happy early Birthday!"  I almost cried.  I wanted to cry.  I got shakey.  I covered my face.  I turned towards the wall.  I turned back around. I was speechless.  (I know that was a first) Vickie, Beth and I hugged as if no one else was in the building.  What an amazing blessing.  God is so amazingly good.  Isn't He? 

God knew exactly what I needed.  Between His Word, Spirit, the Study of "Life's Interruptions", church, a friend going with me, and 2 crazy friends who knew that this week end was the medicine I needed.  I just LOVE how good God is.

Maybe I should of named this post "God is Good".  LOL  God always gives you what you need and when you need it. 

Thank God for good friends.  Thanks for all the dozens of friends I have.  Thank you Beth and Vickie for my "month early birthday surprise".  I loved EVERY minute.  I love you. 

Vickie is the baby.  She has 3 more years for her surprise 50th event.  What will Beth and I do for Vickie's big day?

Friday, March 25, 2011


I have considered myself to be a fairly patient person.  I've been told by my friends that I was a patient individual.  I don't "line hop" in the grocery checkout lane.  My husband, Robert, on the other hand, is an renown "line hopper". Our kids can tell of all the parking spots he would pass in order to get that "better" spot.  When child #3 refused to nap, there were many slow, soft, and secure hugs to hold him while singing, "Oh How I Love Jesus."  But now I find myself struggling with waiting.

Why would I struggle now?  What's different?  Really? I don't think I really had to ask that.  But maybe I do.  I need to ask myself and realize my reality.  Difference is for one, I'm much older.  Age has a way of making you wiser and not sweat over the small stuff.  Age also gives you other tiring quicker, less sleep, more aches and pains, weaker, and did I say more tired?  LOL

Fatigue and pain can really be controlling.  I find myself so focused on pain that I don't even see what else I'm missing.  It's hard to explain.  But I work so hard at getting pain relief that in order to get to that point I've exhausted a lot of energy to reach that one goal.  Then I miss talking with a friend.  Or watch a movie with my husband.  Or I haven't taken time to talk with my grown children.

My children and I had a close relationship while they were growing up.  We did a lot of sharing and laughing together.  We were actively involved with each other.  The siblings watched each other play their sports.  Many sleepovers and all night talks.  Watching your children grow, graduate, marry, and start their families are some of the rewarding parts of parenting.

The car accident, not only changed my life, but my daily routine.  Of all the changes, the one that hurts me most is not being able to spend time with my children.  I took for granted just being able to go to the mountains and have a picnic.  Taking my grand daughter to the park to play for a couple of hours.  Going to a movie and out to eat.  Traveling and visiting for a couple days. And having large celebration meals at my house.

I'm not able to be up as long, walk as far, definitely not walk as fast, loss of strength, intolerant to heat, nervous about traffic, highly sensitive to sound, exhausted, busy with doctor or therapy appointments, being seen walking with a cane, spilling a drink in the restaurant, and living with chronic pain keeps me close to home.  None of these things did I ever expect to experience by this age and stage of my life.  In May I will be 50 years old.  These symptoms were what  I was suppose to have after I'm 80.   

I need to stop. 
I need to look. 
I need to pray. 
I need to think. 
I need to plan. 
I need to write. 
I need to talk. 

I need to wait. 

I've been trying to make it day to day.  I've been discouraged. 

I feel depressed

While I'm waiting....  Waiting for the Lord to reveal His plan and purpose.  Waiting for more doctor appointments.  Waiting for a diagnosis.  Waiting..... waiting....and waiting.  While in this place I need to DO somethings.

I need to lean on the Lord.  Rest in His Word.  Talk with good friends.  Pray, trust, and continue to wait.  I also need to STOP.  Stop thinking of all that's changed.   All that I can no longer do.  I need to START seeing what I can do.  I need to look for ways to spend quality time with my children.

Chrystal now 28 yrs old

Brandon now 27 yrs old
Jamin now 19 yrs old

Brittnie now 18 yrs old

Todd now 11 yrs old

I love my kids.  God has blessed me with 5 beautiful children.  I can STILL spend time and make memories with them.  I pray the Lord will give me opportunity to continue sharing and laughing with my children.  And do so while I continue to WAIT.........

Monday, February 14, 2011

STRESS Reduction Diet

1/2 Grapefruit
1 slice of wheat toast
8 oz of skim milk

4 oz lean broiled chicken breast
1 c steamed spinach
1 c herb tea
1 Oreo cookie

Mid Afternoon Snack
Rest of bag of Oreo cookies
2 pints Rocky Road ice cream
1 jar hot fudge
nuts, cherries, whip cream

2 loaves of garlic bread
Lg sausage, mushroom, & cheese pizza
4 cans of beer
3 milky way candy bars

Late Evening Snack
Entire frozen cheese cake eaten directly from freezer

1. If you eat something and no one sees you eat it, it has no calories
2. If you drink a diet soda with a candy bar, the calories in the candy bar are cancelled out by the diet soda.
3. When you eat with someone else, calories don't count if you don't eat more than they do.
4. Food used for medicinal purposes never count, such as hot chocolate, toast, and Sara Lee cheesecake.
5. If you fatten up everyone else around you, then you look thinner.
6. Movie related foods do not have additional calories because they are part of the entire entertainment package and not part of one's personal fuel.  Examples: Milk Duds, buttered popcorn, and Tootsie rolls.
7. Cookie pieces contain no calories. The process of breaking them up causes calorie leakage.
8. Things licked off knives and spoons have no calories if you are in the process of preparing something.  Examples: peanut butter on a knife while making a sandwich, ice cream on a spoon while making a sundae.
9. Foods that have the same color have the same number of calories.  Examples: spinach and pistachio ice cream, mushrooms and white chocolate.  (Note: Chocolate is a universal color and may be substituted for any other color).

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Locked OUT!

Have you ever gotten in your car, felted in your pockets, and realized you left your keys in the house?  I have many stories, my husband could share, about loosing my keys.  Once I lost them in K-Mart.  I found them in a shoe box in the shoe department.  Long story.  LOL  I've locked myself out of a truck.  Short version.....I was in Crossville.  Robert was in Niota.  Robert's comment after an hour drive.  "Sure is a long way to unlock a door." 

Over the past 15 years I've done much better.  Hahaha That is until Friday.  I was in the morning rush of getting out the door to take my son to school.  My car/house keys were sitting on the kitchen counter.  I go in the kitchen to get them.  Todd, our youngest, digs into his backpack to give me, what appeared to be, a bag of rocks.  I said, "Todd this isn't the time to give me..." And then it happened. The bag had a hole.  EVERYWHERE went the contents of this bag.  Then I discovered it wasn't rocks... it was cereal.  Some kind of Chex like cereal.  Todd gets a paper out with instructions.  "Here Mom, we might want to make this later."  LOL LOL LOL

Todd makes a "Todd effort" to sweep up the rocks, aka cereal, as I leave the kitchen and proceed to go downstairs and head for the car.  Todd runs to catch up. Door is slammed shut, we get in the car, I check for my keys, and....... you guest it.  I left the keys on the kitchen counter.  No need for panic.  We have a spare key in a certain place.  Did I mention it was 22 degrees outside? I went to our hiding place and .... the stinkin key was not there.  "Stinkin" is Greek for "Dad burn".

Now this was about the time I wanted to tell Jesus how much I was grateful for this day and how much I loved my family.  Especially whoever it was that used the key last and didn't put it back.  I sent Todd to look at a couple of other places.  Is it just my boys?  But do all boys not open their eyes when they look for things?  NO key.  Did I say it was 22 degrees outside?

I walked around the house hoping that one of the doors was irresponsibly left unlocked.  Why is it that when you want a door to be left unlocked....they are always locked up tight?  As I walked around the house, I began to pray.  "Lord, I need your help.  I am locked out of the house.  I can not start my car.  It's cold.  I need to take Todd to school.  It's very cold.  I need to attend a water aerobic class.  I need my keys that are in the house.  Help me find a way in the house." 

I told Todd to get back in the car.  The car was just as cold as being outside.  22 degrees is pretty cold.  The time is now 7:35 a.m.  I walk across my yard, through the woods, and in between fence posts to a neighbors house.  I had hoped that maybe they would be able to help.

Any other day I could have called my husband, Robert.  He would have just left for work just as we walked out to my car.  But on this day he was on a business trip, in another state.  I have a friend who has a key to my house, but she and her husband was on a couple's retreat.  What was my friend thinking?  :)  My daughter has a key.  She lives 1 1/2 hours away.  Todd and I were left to freeze.  Probably to death.

I called my husband and hoped that he would let me know of another secret key.  My fingers were getting frost bitten.  Robert had no idea about the key.  He insisted that I just need to look again.  And this time look underneath our spot.  Just get down on the ground.  I reminded him, "There's NO way I can get on the ground.  If I did how in the world could I get up."  I would die laying on the ground...frozen.  It was 22 degrees. 

If I sent Todd to look around, under, or on the ground, I knew I had better odds to send a blind man to search for our spare key.  The neighbor was so sweet.  While her husband was in the shower, while her 19 year old son was still in bed, she came over and said she would look for me.  God love her.  As we both walked back  the between the fence , through the woods, across the yard, she said, "It's really cold out here."  LOL

That dear lady got down on the ground.  She looked, felt, and crawled around.  Then she victoriously yelled, "Is this the key?"  Woohoo!!!! YES!  Thank you Lord.  She even opened the door for me.  I thanked her at least a million times.  Finally the 35 minute freeze was over.

I went straight to the kitchen and there the keys laid.  They were the prettiest "stinkin" keys I had ever seen.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

New Direction - Will you come with me?

When my children were preschoolers, I use to write down my thoughts, feelings, devotional inspirations.  I didn't realize I was journalling.  I did it because it caused me to think.  It gave me something concrete to see God's hand and remember how He was working in my life.

I remember those early days of staying at home with my kids.  I chose to stay home but what was happening in the "real" world got loss sometimes.  I wondered if I was doing anything important.  If I was doing anything right.  Mostly I think I wondered if anyone noticed or cared. 

I still have some of those early writings.  When I read over them I see how God was there.  How God's hand guided me, encouraged me, comforted me, and forgave me.  I wondered if I should throw them away?  When I die would I want my kids to read them?

The writings were meant to be between God and myself.  I only have 2 regrets.  One I should have been more honest.  And I should have wrote more.  I couldn't write everything.  We didn't have a computer to store my writings until I was ready to print or post.  So when you're busy "mothering"...things like writing didn't come very often.  I also love to paint.  But after my, then 2 year old, son, Brandon got into my oil paint and smeared in on my bedspread and wall... I had to put my paint aside too.

I started writing a blog a couple years ago.  I now do two blogs.  The second one is a video blog that ministers to women through instruction, helps, and encouragement. (Womanhood GFF) In the past whenever I posted on the Godfreyhouse blog, I wrote my posts more as a devotional of my thoughts.  This year I want to be more diary or personal with my post.  But I've been afraid.

There I've said it.  Fear has been a struggle for me for almost 2 years.  And this fear has made me less confident in myself and some ways in the Lord.  This year I would like to begin the journey of setting myself free from this fear.  Well let me re-phrase that.  I want to allow the Lord to set me free from this stronghold "FEAR". 

                     (Video: Give Me Jesus by Fairview Baptist Choir)

I'm not afraid to die.  I'm not afraid of people.  I'm not afraid of the economy.  I am afraid of situations that have and may still physically hurt me.  (Including unknown medical mysteries.)

Bare with me as I step out and open up.  I'm not looking for approval, praise, or compliments.  I'm looking for freedom.  I know where to go to get it.  I am willing to take the readers of this blog with me. 

That is if you want to go.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Todds first sled

This was our youngest child, Todd, first opportunity to go sledding in the snow. One reason is because South East TN doesn't get a lot of snow. When we do it usually less than 2 inches and is melted by the afternoon. This was the largest snowfall since the Blizzard of 1993. By night time our house had close to 10 inches of beautiful snow.

Christmas Snow - Boys LOVED IT!

We've had a little snow in November or early December. We may get a little in January. But this is the first Christmas Day snow since 1968 in South East Tennessee.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My Race

When I was in Elementary school, I entered every running contest I could.  I LOVED Field Day.  This was when schools in my area competed in various outdoor activities.  There were sack races, tug of wars, relays, softball throws, and many more.  I loved to run. As a teenager I would run 3-5 miles a day just because it was fun.

After I was married and had 2 small children, I considered a job as a security guard.  One of the requirements was to be able to run a mile in 6 minutes.  At this point in my life I hadn't run since college.  I put my running shoes on and took off running.  On my first test run, I ran a mile in 8 minutes.  Not bad for a Mom of two.

Later when I was in my 30's we adopted our third child.  When he was two I opened a Home Day Care.  For my mental health, I started back at walking/running 4 days a week.  I got to where I ran 2-3 miles and walked 2 miles.  I enjoyed running again.

My daughter and son in-law can tell you more about running challenges than I can.  They accomplished something that I had never tried.  A marathon. They trained for several months.  Wore out a few pairs of shoes.  Injured and felt pain in areas they've never had pain before.  (To read about their experiece read H20 Runners.

The writer of Hebrews 12 talks about a race.  A race that each believer is in.  Yes, if you are a person of faith and a follower of Christ you are a runner.  This passage goes into detail, in the first couple verses, about how to best run your race.  But for this moment I want to skip over that and focus on the end of verse 1.  Hebrews 12:1b "...the race that is set before us,"

When my pastor preached from this passage Sunday night.  I was encouraged about two things. 

1. God puts us in our race.  "...the race that is set before us," God chose a race for me.  You have your race.  I have mine. 
2. My goal in this race is not to win.  But to finish.  When my daughter and her husband ran a marathon, had they ran 26 miles, and stopped with 325 yards to go...then they wouldn't have finished the race.  All they would have accomplished was running really far.  A marathon is officially 26.2 miles.

I am in my race.  You are in yours.  I want to finish well.  Do you?  How are you doing in your race?  Sometimes I'm not doing so well. In Hebrews 12:12,

 "Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees;"

Sometimes I'm not strong.  Sometimes I don't think I can make it.  Marathon runners struggle with that.  I'm told the last 4-6 miles are the hardest.  Sometimes I have to pick up my hands and get off my feeble knees and start again.  Pick up and keep going.  I need to finish my race.  I Corinthians 15:58 is my life verse.

 "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord."

My race is different than yours.  Some believers are running on a track that is level and smooth.  Others, the track is hilly and hard. The long stretches can be very difficult.  Our track conditions can change at anytime.  We need to help one another by encouraging each believer to get up, keep going, and finish.

I want my kids to see their Mom finish with strong faith.  I want my grandchildren to hear stories of how their grandmother loved the Lord and served Him in spite of difficulties and challenges.  I want my friends to know that I truly do love the Lord with all my heart, soul, and body.  I want to be like Paul,

II Timothy 4:7, "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:"

Monday, January 17, 2011

2011 Goals

We are expected to make New Year Resolutions.  And it's also acceptable if you break them within 60 days.  Instead of setting "Resolutions" ... I prefer "Goals".  Is there a difference?  Thanks for asking.  I think so.  Resolutions are more like a promise or a contract where you are bound to keep your end of the deal.  Where as goals are ideals and intentions that you want to strive with good planning and good intention to keep.  Breaking a resolution almost sounds illegal.  Setting a goal gives you something obtainable.  If you don't quite get got closer than you would have had you not had something to work hard towards.

Last year I set out  not be on a diet but to have better health.  I did want to loose 60 lbs and get into a size 10 jeans.  I kept myself accountable to friends.  I posted pictures each month beginning with March to show and share my progress.  It helped me a lot. 

Did I meet my goals?  Yes, I met my goal of better health.  My cholesterol dropped 50 points without medication.  My blood pressure is also down without medication.  In spite of starting 2010 recovering from shoulder and hand surgery and ending the year with neck surgery ... I do feel better.  I did manage to loose 35 lbs.  And I can wear size 12 is almost all my clothes.  YAY!!!

So what do I do in 2011?  I continue where I left off.   I need to reset my goals and try to add a few new ones.  Here they are:

1. Continue working on better health ( I don't think this one never stops)
    * Better eating choices
    * Loose 30 lbs
    * Get into size 10 jeans :)
    * Get my cholesterol 25 more points lower
    * Keep a regular exercise program going 

2. Organize and declutter small areas of my house
    The spring of 2009, I went through my house (kitchen cabinets and closets)
    and did a serious purge of stuff and junk.  I have no idea what                  possessed me to do that.  After having the auto accident in June 09, I am soooo glad I did.  It proved to be very helpful for me and to friends/family when they had to come over and help me.  Now I need to go a little deeper. 
    * Clean "junk" drawers
    * Clean closets
    * Go through my clothes
    * Donate toys
    * Repaint a guest bedroom

Hall Closet (before)

Hall closet (after)  I painted these closet in Spring 09.  They just needed a little attention.

This closet is in the boys bathroom.  It's the home of towels/wash clothes.  It is also where all the games, crafts, and school supplies live.

Now we can see which game to play next.

3.  I want to write more.  I keep LOTS of notes.  I have LOTS of words in my head and on my heart.  I just don't sit down and write.

4.  Trust God.  Give Him "me". My body is weaker and more feeble.  What I have I want Him to use.  Trust Him with my diagnoses and recoveries.  I need to NOT be afraid.  That's a big one for me.  Fear is a whole other discussion in the future.

5. Last but not least, I want to enjoy turning 50 this year.  I know you are all shocked.  And would have never believed that I was this old.  Hahaha  I will turn 50 on May 6th.  I plan to celebrate the rest of the year. 

Set some goals not resolutions.  Don't set yourself up to fail.  But give yourself enough of a challenge to strive for a better you in 2011.