Since my car accident nearly two and a half years ago, I experienced many physical changes.
Nine days after the wreck I seen an orthopedic specialist in Knoxville. He assured me that my arm was hurting because I was not moving it. I argued back and said, "UH NO! I don't move my arm because I am hurting."
This "specialist" said to me, "I don't understand what you are not so happy about?" I replied, "Because two weeks before my accident I was operating a chain saw. Now I can't wash the bathroom mirror." I REALLY wanted to forget my manners and kick him in the "......." And while he's curled up on the floor, I could have said, "Why, Dr. M? I just don't understand what it is that you are not so happy about?"

After a MRI, CT scan, more x-rays, six weeks physical therapy, and a second orthopedic, it was discovered I had a broken rib and a bruised lung. URRGGH.
I decided any future orthopedic doctor was going to be using a walker. Someone who will not treat my age, but my injury.
My next and third orthopedic had just recovered from a hip replacement.
He operated on my right shoulder and found two legiments were torn and multiple bone spurs. All injuries from the force of the impact my body experienced in the accident.
After ten months, I began to feel better. I was seeing postive progress. I was able to get out and enjoy my life. I was coming back. be continued.......
Great job writing donna.Thanks for sharing
Your opening the window a little wider letting us in to see your pain. You are not alone. Help us to help you because we have not walked this road before. We pray for you often and your family. Glad we have FB to keep in touch.
You give hope as you continue your testimony. You are made free by the blood of THE LAMB. May you be strengthened as you share and may others be encouraged by the testimony you bare.
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