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Uncle Donald and Mom-Mom |
After all the plans, phone calls, appointments, and people involved, are ALL in place....swoosh you can already be exhausted. You're already tired and you haven't even left yet. Shoot, you've not even packed.
Wow packing...that brings up a whole new list doesn't it?
October 2014, I emailed my Uncle to see if I could come and visit for a week. (My Uncle lived and helped care for his mother...my grandmother.) I would be bringing my middle school son and 15 month old daughter. Since my son will be on Fall Break...that's when I intended to come for a visit. I gave my Uncle a 2 day notice.
Oh, I failed to mention....this is a 720 mile (one way) trip.
Every preparation I should take for this big trip was simply thrown in the trash.
WHY in the world would I do such a crazy thing?
WHAT was I thinking?
93 yr old grandmother meets her great great granddaughter |
I stayed a week and loved every minute of it. I got to take several pictures. Heard the same stories and a few new ones. I had the privilege to care for my precious grandmother. I was blessed to tuck her in bed each night.
What a joy to hear her pray for her family. Then I hear my name and my family being lifted up to our heavenly Father.
Then came the day for me to leave. I gave my Uncle Donald a good bye hug and express my gratitude and love for him. Telling my dear grandmother "bye" was difficult. Was this my last hug? Would this be my last trip? Would my next trip be her funeral?
Eight months later, June 15, 2015, my mother calls. She's clearly upset. I just knew it was news that my grandmother had past. But it wasn't.
It was her brother, my Uncle Donald!
I spoke, a tribute on June 20, 2015, at his memorial service. I wanted to speak from his nieces and nephew's point of view. He was always so actively involved in our lives.
"In spite of living over 700 miles away while growing up, I learned what all my cousins learned about our Uncle Donald...
1. He would spend every moment possible aggravating you.
2. He would spend time talking and answering your questions.
3. He would spend money, a little or a lot, to let you know he's thinking of and cares about you.
Uncle Donald was one of the most intelligent man I knew. Every time I was around I'd learn something new.
I came up in October 2014 not knowing it would be my last visit with him.
The last time I'd watch and hear him aggravate my son.
The last time he'd spend time answering his questions.
The last time watching hours of Star Trek with my son.
I read several articles, this week, about his success in track & field, for this community and as well as the state of New Jersey. I didn't know about the "Hall of Fame" inductions. I didn't know about the scope of his influence on the sport and the athletes.
To his co-workers- he was their friend.
To my grandmother- he was her caregiver and companion.
To my Mother, Aunts, and Uncles- he was their 'Big" brother.
To myself and all my cousins- he was our Uncle.
I believe Uncle Donald made peace with God. He knew he wasn't well. He'd heard his doctor's warnings. I know many people, on different occasions, presented the gospel to him.
I know that in spite of all the amazing tributes, of my uncle, he understood...
"Mark 8:36 for what shall a man profit, if he shall gain the whole world,
and lose his own soul."
That's why he often said, "It's just money."
If you have never been a person of faith and a follower of Christ,...I beg that you'd seek Him today.
I challenge you to continue your tribute to my Uncle Donald, with your life now and in eternity by asking Jesus into your life today."
The Bible says..
II Corinthians 6:2b; "...behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation."
James 4:14, "Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away."
We do not know when we or someone we know and love has drawn their last breath. We don't know when our heart beats for the last time. Any of us could leave this life and enter into eternity at any moment.
We should plan as if we will live to be 100. We should live as if this could be our last day.
Are you ready?
Have you made all the reservations?
Are you prepared?
Being a follower of Christ is the ONLY way to be assured that heaven is your eternal home.
"John 14:6, Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth and the life:
no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."
"John 3:36; He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he
that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God
abideth on him."
The amazing thing about a planned trip to heaven is.........
Isn't that awesome ? A free trip. The preparations are as easy as A, B, and C.
Admit you're a sinner. A sinner is one who sins. And we ALL have sinned.
Believe that Jesus died for you. His death was the payment required to enter heaven.
Confess your sins. This doesn't mean that you spill out the entire list of sins and mistakes. To confess is to agree with God about your sins.
"Romans 10:9, That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord
Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from
the dead, thou shalt be saved."
When I die, I KNOW I will go to heaven. DO YOU?