My daughter has talked with me, on different occasions, about making a life, her life, our life, count. She read a book about living our lives for Christ in a way that would make a good story. One that others would want to read. And get something out of the reading. What if our life story was to be put into a movie. Would people want to come to see it? Would they enjoy the movie? Would they watch it again? Would they come away from the story different? Or worse would my life story be something I wouldn't want others to see or to know about?
David wrote here in Psalms that our life is here but for a brief moment. IF we live threescore and ten...what would we have done with Jesus? When we realize that life is short it should help us to manage our time, our life more wisely and for eternal good. What do I want to see happen in my life before I die? What can I do today inorder for that story to begin?What kind of tale has my life been? As I grow older and as I experience life's hardships and trails, what do my own children see? Would those closest to me remember - love, faithfulness, joy, kindness, excitment in my life?
The Bible says our lives are but a vapor. We may only have today. Today I need to use for eternity. Today I need to reach and touch the heart of my children. Today I must show kindness to others. Today is my day. Today is your day.
Psalms 90:17 "And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us: and establish thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish thou it."
My brothers and sisters in Christ, my children, my friends and family, make what your hands do today count for eternity.
"What TALE will your life tell?"
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