Wednesday, April 6, 2011

My Movement Disorder


Marty Alexander said...

oh my gracious Ms. Donna. My heart is breaking for you right now. I am so sorry for what you are going through.
We found a local chiropractor here one year ago named Dr. Josh Axe. His influence has been a catalyst for change our lives. He is a believer as well as a health and wellness chiropractor. Not just an adjustment and your out the door kind of chiropractor, but he is interested in total mind and body health. I don't know that he would have the answers, but I know if you sent this video to him, that he would respond with any information or help that he could. The link to his site is

I will begin to pray for you daily!


Mdgirl said...

Mike has Benign Tremors the Dr. said. His hands/arms shake when he has strong back pain. Once the pain lessens the tremors go away. The stronger the pain the harder the tremor. When Mike reaches for his coffee cup I can tell if he has bad back pain. Drs. don't do anything for it, but Mike's activities are very curtailed because of his chronic pain.

Karen Burke said...

Oh my goodness Miss Donna!!! I had no idea you were going thru all of this. I am so sorry and I will surely make all of this a matter of specific prayer for you and your family. We love you and I know I am far away but please call me or e-mail me if you need someone to talk to. I do not know anything about the particular situation you are going thru, but from my experience with my tumor I might be able to help if you need to talk!!

Sheila said...

My gracious, Donna! Bless your heart! I had no idea! I'm going to Vanderbilt in May and I plan on asking why you can't get in to my doctor. Maybe Vandy isn't the place you need to be, I don't know. I've prayed for you since your wreck, I guess it just didn't hit me what all you were dealing with. I pray posting this video will help direct your path. God has always given you rhythm, I know He will use this greatly. Praying for strength and healing! ~Sheila