Monday, January 2, 2012

Don't Just Put Christ in 2012....put Him in your LIFE!

I love a new beginning.

 A fresh start.

A dear pastor, I had for many years, would often say that Mondays were his favorite days.  Mondays gave him a chance to improve or correct his mistakes from the previous week.

The New Year gives us all a huge opportunity to experience a new beginning. 

Many of us will set goals to improve our relationships, health, jobs, education, houses, and yes our faith.

We serve a God of second chances.  A God that forgives and forgives again and again.

I don't think Christ is only interested in the goals and ideas that are set to improve our life on this side of heaven.  Religious goals and intentions are wonderful.  But these good rituals within themselves are not what Christ wants in 2012.

What Christ desires most is for Him to be in your heart.  In your life.  With that, then Christ can be in 2012.

A friend and I were talking how we could pray for one another this new year.  That was not as easy as it may seem.  With it just being January 1st, neither one of us have no clue what is in store for us in this next year. 

As we talked and shared, we both understood that regardless of what's ahead, we have the Lord.  Having a relationship with Him, we know that we can and will handle whatever is ahead of us. 

He will be there. 
He will strengthen. 
He will help. 
He will comfort. 
He will heal. 
He will guide. 
He will forgive. 

He will LOVE. 


Don't put Christ in 2012 without first putting Him in your life.  "How do I do that?" 

I'm so glad you asked.

Asking God in your heart is not referring to the vital organ in your chest  Your heart is a general understanding of the center of your interest, loves, dreams, fears, thoughts, and life. 

Asking God is literally as simple as ABC.  No list of do's and don'ts.  No boxes to check off a list of expectations from others. No membership dues. 

Admit you are a sinner.  A sinner is simply one who sins.  Sin is any thought or deed that is not pleasing to God.  We can know what these are by the scripture.  Don't be embarrassed about being a sinner.  We are ALL sinners. 

"All have sinned and come short of the glory of God." Romans 3:23

Believe in the Lord.  Understand as best you can that He, the Lord Jesus Christ is the only One who can forgive you of your sins.  Believe that He proved His love and forgiveness for you by dying on the cross.  His death paid for your sins.  He would have died for your sins even if you were the only person who needed forgiveness.

"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved." Acts 16:31

Confess your sins.  No one else needs to know or hear what, how, or when you've sinned.  Jesus already knows.  You only need to confess them to Him.  Confess specifically or in general.  But when you confess you are agreeing with God that you hate your sinful deeds as much as He does.  You agree with Him that what you have done and are doing is not pleasing to Him.  And you want to repent or turn away from your current life style and follow Him.

"If thou shalt confess with they mouth the Lord Jesus Christ, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." Romans 10:9

That's it.  "Is there more?"


"Are you sure?"


Admit, Believe, and Confess as best you can. BAM!!! You now have the God of the Universe in your heart.

I recommend you become a reader and student of the scripture. I encourage you to become involved in a local church.  These two things will help you on your journey. 

God bless and Happy NEW YEAR.

1 comment:

Nancy said...

AMEN Donna. I prayer all of us will see that Jesus IS relevant in every area of our lives.

Learning to trust God desperately,