I can't use the post hole digger. I can't lift over 3 lbs without triggering my movements.
I can't reach both hands up at the same height. I can't raise my right leg. I can't stop moving.
I can't walk far. I can't stand long. I can't have a day with no pain. I can't sleep well.
I can't work in my yard like I use to. I can't drive far.
I can't get the groceries. I can't sing.

I CAN................................................
I can sit.
I can pick up my grand daughter.
I can laugh.
I can hold a child on my lap.
I can sing with my grand daughter. She doesn't mind if I can't reach the high notes anymore.
I can hug my kids.
I can talk.
I can tell my family and friends that I love them.
I can kiss my husband. I can hold hands. I can walk. I can stand.
I can see.
I can touch.
I can write.
I can speak.
I can cry.
I can forgive.
I can love.
I CAN......
I can trust in the God who loves me.
I can believe the Word of God when it says, "I will never leave you nor forsake you."
I can know that the God of the Bible is the same God that's in my heart.
I can surrender to the God who died for me.
I can accept this path because He holds me.
I can.
I will.
I am.
Can you?