I sell Real Estate. I've sold and listed at least 100 properties. My husband and I have owned 3 different houses. Our first house was a single wide trailer. After being married for 6 years, we were able to build a house. Then 16 years later we bought our current house.
I have loved and tried my best to care for each of our houses. I love to keep it clean. I try to keep it picked up as much as I can. I try to be creative and decorate as well as we can afford. I really love working in the yard, planting, mowing, and digging in the soil.
There's a great satisfaction at the end of my day, when everyone is in bed, and I walk through the house and it's CLEAN. I can sit on the couch and enjoy a clean quiet house.
Psalm 84:4 says, "Blessed are they that dwell in thy house:..." After being a parent for 26 years, I still have to learn and remind myself what's really important. Do I want to live in a house or a home? There is a difference. A big and important difference.
Houses come and go. They loose and increase in value depending on the economy. If you change jobs you can buy or rent another house. If, God forbid, your house burns or is damaged, you can build another one. But your family.... particularly your children.... they can not be replaced.
I love my house. But I want to live in a HOME. I want all who dwell or visit in my house to be at HOME. I want them to be blessed because they were here.
Dear Lord, Jesus, forgive me for loosing focus sometimes. Help me to make my house a HOME.