Monday, November 17, 2008


A couple weeks ago I was asked to give one word to encourage wives/mothers in our Sunday School class. I could think of hundreds of words, but I was to just pick "one". I chose the word "Drama".

I. Let go of the Drama... or "lighten up" "loosen up". Learn to laugh at most things.
A. For some this may be hard. Don't put the same level of emotion and energy into every event. If EVERY event is a big deal...what makes the true "big deals" any different?
B. Take care of a situation, but try to laugh through as much as possible. Don't necessarily laugh in front of the children or husband. But when you leave the room...laugh at what just happened. (example: My youngest child is a 9 year old boy. He had spent a lot of time in time out a few Saturdays ago. After just getting out of time out, he came outside and repeated the same behavior that put him in time out just a few minutes before. So we repeated the time out, this time a little longer. He had a digital clock in his room, it was 4:40 p.m. I told him to stay on his bed till 5:00. I went outside and in a few minutes there stood my son. I asked him, "You're time is not up!" He quickly responded, "Yes, my clock says 5:00!" Man my mind had 10 seconds to reason what was going on. I said to this 9 year old boy, "You touched your clock!" He looked up at me and said, "I'm sorry, Mommy." I sent him back to his room with me close behind. When I came back outside I laughed and told my husband, "That was a good one. He's too smart." He changed his clock to 5:00 he thought that would get him out of time out sooner. hahaha)

II. Hold on to the Drama..."fire up" or "tighten up". Hold to some things and don't let go.
A. This is hard to do too. Because this is for situations and events where you hold tight regardless of the outcome. Outcome isn't the primary concern here, principle is.
B. Few things need to be in this category. emotionally, physically, and spiritually you can't deal with everything every time at this level.
(Example: You can't hold tight and yell and fuss and insist for shoes left in the living room floor at the same level as you would if found a playboy magazine in your teenager's room. Children should pick their shoes up. Children will need to be reminded to pick their shoes up. But the "DRAMA" shouldn't be there.

Bottom dollar...keep a lot of stuff "small stuff". If you respond with every issue at your highest level...then when an issue does need your highest attention you're children will probably not respond.

When events become Big Stuff...
1. hold to your faith
2. hold to your family
3. hold to your friends
4. hold to each other

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