Saturday, May 8, 2010

Flower Gardens & Souls

I love to garden.  I enjoy planting vegetable and flower gardens.  Working and digging in the soil is therapeutic for me.  When I select the right flowers, for the right areas of my yard, I put my gloves on and start digging.  When I finish the newly planted flower pots and/or beds I give them a good watering.

It takes a lot of time and energy to get a planting project started and finished. Yet the finished product is fulfilling.  I can walk around the yard and see the plants grow, blossom, and give off a pleasant aroma.  I never get tired of looking and seemingly watch the flowers grow.

One summer, when my two oldest children were preschool age, I was successful in growing some annual flowers up close to the house.  I don't remember the name of the flowers, but they were red and grew about 2 feet tall.  This particular summer, these red flowers grew thick and beautiful.   My son, then 3 years old, went outside and did something that was unforgettable.  He took his shoe off and knocked down every single red flower.  I mean there wasn't one petal of red left standing.

When I walked outside and seen his successful kill, I didn't know if I should cry or laugh.  I asked him, "Brandon!!! Why did you kill all of Momma's flowers?" And my sweet little preschooler looked up at me and proudly proclaimed, "It's okay Mommy.  I was trying to kill a wizard. (lizard)  And I got him!" 

No serious gardener would never take the time to nurture a plant then just go and step on it.  Thus crushing the plant and never enjoy the beauty of the blooms and/or fruit.  Yet, as believers we sometimes do just that.  Not to plants, but to people.

I know of  fellow believers who say they love the Lord.  They say they care about others souls.  They will even give a witness or ask ...."Are you a Christian?"  This is all good.  But not every Christian are good witnesses for Christ.  Just like not every person who loves flowers are good gardeners.

To ask someone "if they are a Christian" then openly criticize and cast judgement on them is stepping on them.  Sometimes one may share their negative opinions to others.  Then they wonder why they haven't led someone to Christ.  How silly it would be for a gardener to plant and nurture their new plants...then go and step on them.  You may brag about planting and tell what all the varieties of plants they are.  But No One is going to come over and see and enjoy your garden with you.  There will be no summer evening with a glass of ice tea relaxing near a beautiful flower bed.  Why do fellow believers step or tear down the ones they are trying to win? 

These fellow believers can not share their faith and show others their fruit of other believers.  They can not lead someone to Christ when they are stepping on them.  When they are being critical and judgemental of others they are not going to have beautiful souls surrendered to Christ. 

You've heard the saying, "People won't care how much you know until they know how much you care."  When Christ rescued the harlot from being stoned...He did not bring up her terrible life style.  Instead He brought up the sins of her accusers.  We need to be more focused on the souls of people not the external.  We need to let people know we care.  Truly care. 

Don't fake your love for someone.  Don't act like you care.  Your true concern for them will be noticeable.  Just like a gardener who says they love plants yet they keep stepping on and killing the plants.  Here's  one example...Have you ever invited someone to go to church with you and then have a strong opinion about they look.  Not the right clothing standard, not the right hair cut, not the right clean hygiene, and not the right social status. 

It's okay to have a personal preference to outward appearances, but we are talking about bringing others to Christ.  To do that with have to leave your personal preferences out.  You have to set the priority to the soul of the individual(s) that you are wanting to lead to Christ.  Love them first.  Be sure they know you care. And then you are to really care and really love. 

Do people see Christ in you?  Do others see Christ in me?  I hope so.  Because at the end of the day...that's all that's going to matter.  If they can't see Christ through His own can they ever come to know Him? 

May God bless you as you live your life as a witness for Christ.   Be a spiritual gardener.  Love the souls of men like Jesus does.


Unknown said...

Thank you Donna, I love reading your blog

Diane K said...

Donna, I truly enjoyed this devotion and agree 110% with its message. Thanks Diane K