Psalm 46:10 says, Be still; and know that I am God....
God is the creator of the universe. God spoke our world into existence. Yet, He took the time to form mankind.
God kept the sun still so Gideon would have enough daylight to win a war.
He healed the sick and raised the dead.
The winds and waves obeyed Him.
Virgin born.
Paid the sin debt of all who will believe.
Rose from the dead.
In spite of sin, especially mine, He forgives.
He made eternal life available to all who would ask.
Of all these, and more, there are times that all God wants me to do is to just beStill.
I wonder if He's mistaken.
Wouldn't He want me to do some great work? Serve on a mission field? Feed the hungry? Give shelter to the homeless? Teach a class? Donate to an orphanage in a foreign country?
He just wants me to simply be STILL.
There's nothing simple about being still. Just ask a child in a church service. LOL A child wiggles and giggles in BIG church. Moms try every trick known to man to get their child to listen to what the preacher is saying.
A flick A Pinch A tug An Evil eye Last but not least.... Take em out. (of the sanctuary...that is)
Parents go through the pains of teaching children how to sit, somewhat, quiet and still, because the greater good is in the lessons learned from the message.
Lord, forgive me for being wiggly.
Have you ever be drawn into a story and you didn't even realize how much time had past?
Because you were lovin' every second and every word.
Forgive me Lord for not being like the deer that is thirsty at the brook.
Forgive me Lord for not being like Mary and sit at your feet in worship.
"I feel the touch of hands so kind and tender. They're leading me in paths that I must trod. I'll have no fear for Jesus walks beside me. For I'm sheltered in the arms of God.
So let the storms rage high. The dark clouds rise. They won't worry me. For I'm sheltered safe within the arms of God. He walks with me. And naught of earth shall harm me. For I'm sheltered in the arms of God."
Three years and twenty five doctors later, I am still waiting. Is it MS? Tumor? Brain Injury? Numerous symptoms, loosing mobility, loosing vision....
Things I am NOT FAITH, my Family, and my Friends.
Lord today I renew myself to You. I give you ALL of me. I love YOU. I praise You. I worship You.
Kids always have the most interesting and unusual questions to ask when they are either at the dinner table or in the car.
Our youngest son, Todd, asked one day while we were driving home from a week end away....."What is hospitality?"
My husband, Robert, and I looked at one another. We wondered where did that come from? What made Todd think about "hospitality"? "DAD" knew he could handle this one. (Because it wasn't about..... sex.)
Robert answered, "Todd.... It's when you're hungry and someone gives you food. It's when you're cold and someone gives you clothes."
Todd, feeling like he totally understood his father's definition, replied, ...
...hospitality is when you're itchy and someone gives you Monkey Butt powder?"
We cracked up. LOL
Not too sure about Todd's view on hospitality. But Jesus did speak about it. He encouraged us to be hospitable. To be a servant. To help the widows and orphans. To love others.
Romans 12:13 "...distributing to the necessity of saints; given to hospitality."
"Christian hospitality differs from social entertaining. Entertaining focuses on the host: The home must be spotless; the food must be well prepared and abundant; the host must appear relaxed and good natured. Hospitality, by contrast, focuses on the guest, their needs...whether for a place to stay, nourishing food, a listening ear, or acceptance...are the first importance. Hospitality can happen in a messy home, it can happen around a dinner table where the main dish is canned soup. It can even happen while the host and the guest are doing chores together. Don't be afraid to offer hospitality just because you are too tired, too busy, or not wealthy enough to entertain."*
Some of the best memories I've had with friends are when we ate whatever I found left over in the refrigerator. Go ahead. Start opening your heart. Your home. Your refrigerator. Your wallet.
Do you see what's going on in this picture? Can you see a seed that was planted? Do you realize there was an opening to the very throne of God?
The Natural Geographic often shows photos that have captured in graphic detail various natural disasters, moments of kindness, and compassion in the mist of wars. Then awards are bestowed on the photographers.
But there's no greater honor than to capture a moment where a living soul has the opportunity to have the Holy Gospel planted in their heart.
I have directed Children's Church ministries for 24 years. I've led over 400 young boys and girls to the Lord. Workers that helped over the years had an active part in leading hundreds of children to the Savior. I'm so grateful the Lord allowed me the opportunity to lead all 5 of our children to the Lord.
Leading children to the Lord should be handled with care. Children naturally want to please. They want to please their teachers and then they want to please Jesus. If Jesus says to "Come unto me." They want to come. This is why the scripture says, "Come as little children." Children believe and trust easily.
As they get older or for those who have experienced tragedy and abuse their hearts get hard. The commands of the Lord and the appeal of the scriptures becomes easier to reject.
If your young child is eager to "be saved". It is wise for you, the parent or teacher, to exercise caution so not to give him/her a false sense of "salvation" because they are so eager to love and obey Jesus.
Many teens and adults acknowledge there may have been a time when they were preschool or elementary school age, that they remember asking Jesus into their hearts. But now they are not sure that they were really saved.
Should children not be encouraged to become "Christians"? "Christ followers"? "Believers"?
God forbid.
The scripture would NEVER give an example, of His will, by using an illustration that is wrong or unattainable. "Come as little Children..." "Anyone hurt one of these little's better that a millstone be hung around their neck and thrown in the river." The Bible is clear...Jesus truly loves children. He died just as much for a child as he did for teens and adults.
Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven Mt. 18:3
Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God. Mark 10:14
Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein. Mark 10:15
What an opportunity for an individual to be able to testify that they have served the Lord "all" their lives.
Older believers have the same "one regret". "I wished I had followed and obey God when I was younger." "I've waisted so much of my life."
Love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind, and life.
When a child comes to you wanting to be "saved" ask them some simple questions.
1. What did you want to ask me? Or, why did you come up front?
Most children may have an answer that has absolutely nothing to do with being saved or confession of their sins. I've had many children need...
To go to the bathroom.
Thought it was time to go home.
Wanted to get out of bed.
My puppy is missing.
My mommy is sick.
My grand father died.
Pray with them about what it was that they have said they wanted. Don't put word in their mouth.
They don't need your help expressing true conviction of their sin.
By putting words in their mouth, you miss the blessing of hearing a true repented heart of a child. And you may give them a false assurance of a salvation that they weren't really ready to accept.
2. If, in their own words and without an adult implying what they wanted to ask, ...And the child really does ask or say, " I want to ask Jesus in my heart." Or " I want to be saved."
This is when you ask them two questions...
1. Have you sinned? If they say "No" than you thank them for wanting to talk to you and ask Jesus...but they need to wait. I know you may be tempted to point out facts that you know they have SINNED. LOL But conviction must come from their own understanding of their choices.
You may take a moment to pray with them...thanking God for their willingness to accept Jesus in their heart. And asking God to help them clearly understanding they are sinners and they need Him in their heart.
2. Do you what to ask Jesus in your heart now or do you want to wait til another day?
A LOT of children's workers are so eager to announce how many children "got saved"...they quickly get these children to confess something they are not ready to confess. They are coached into going through the motion of asking Jesus in their hearts.
Once again, thank the child for coming up. Pray with them for understanding. I would ask my children if they wanted ice cream? Or see their grandmother?
It wasn't until there was nothing they would rather do...that they are then ready. A couple of my children have even said, "If I don't ask Jesus in my heart I will go to hell." And "I will be the only one in the family that will not go to heaven." They were under spiritual conviction. This was good.
When a child shows strong readiness to accept Jesus in their heart, than you explain, with scripture, what they need to do. You don't need a lot of scripture. A young child, 5-6 years old, could be shown only one scripture. I use John 3:16 for any age. Some like to use/read the "Romans Road". I have a simple explanation of salvation in a previous post, Don't Put Christ Just in Your Heart....put Him in your LIFE
Then tell the child that you are going to pray first. Afterwards you want to hear them pray. Not that hearing is any of your business. But it does help you know if the child has a personal understanding of what they were asking God for.
Be sure you pray short and simple. Pray in a way that gives the child an example of how they can pray. Then let them know it's their turn. And get ready for your heart to be richly blessed as you witness your child or a child become a "child of God".
A dear pastor, I had for many years, would often say that Mondays were his favorite days. Mondays gave him a chance to improve or correct his mistakes from the previous week.
The New Year gives us all a huge opportunity to experience a new beginning.
Many of us will set goals to improve our relationships, health, jobs, education, houses, and yes our faith.
We serve a God of second chances. A God that forgives and forgives again and again.
I don't think Christ is only interested in the goals and ideas that are set to improve our life on this side of heaven. Religious goals and intentions are wonderful. But these good rituals within themselves are not what Christ wants in 2012.
What Christ desires most is for Him to be in your heart. In your life. With that, then Christ can be in 2012.
A friend and I were talking how we could pray for one another this new year. That was not as easy as it may seem. With it just being January 1st, neither one of us have no clue what is in store for us in this next year.
As we talked and shared, we both understood that regardless of what's ahead, we have the Lord. Having a relationship with Him, we know that we can and will handle whatever is ahead of us.
He will be there.
He will strengthen.
He will help.
He will comfort.
He will heal.
He will guide.
He will forgive.
He will LOVE.
Don't put Christ in 2012 without first putting Him in your life. "How do I do that?"
I'm so glad you asked.
Asking God in your heart is not referring to the vital organ in your chest Your heart is a general understanding of the center of your interest, loves, dreams, fears, thoughts, and life.
Asking God is literally as simple as ABC. No list of do's and don'ts. No boxes to check off a list of expectations from others. No membership dues.
Admit you are a sinner. A sinner is simply one who sins. Sin is any thought or deed that is not pleasing to God. We can know what these are by the scripture. Don't be embarrassed about being a sinner. We are ALL sinners.
"All have sinned and come short of the glory of God." Romans 3:23
Believe in the Lord. Understand as best you can that He, the Lord Jesus Christ is the only One who can forgive you of your sins. Believe that He proved His love and forgiveness for you by dying on the cross. His death paid for your sins. He would have died for your sins even if you were the only person who needed forgiveness.
"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved." Acts 16:31
Confess your sins. No one else needs to know or hear what, how, or when you've sinned. Jesus already knows. You only need to confess them to Him. Confess specifically or in general. But when you confess you are agreeing with God that you hate your sinful deeds as much as He does. You agree with Him that what you have done and are doing is not pleasing to Him. And you want to repent or turn away from your current life style and follow Him.
"If thou shalt confess with they mouth the Lord Jesus Christ, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." Romans 10:9
That's it. "Is there more?"
"Are you sure?"
Admit, Believe, and Confess as best you can. BAM!!! You now have the God of the Universe in your heart.
I recommend you become a reader and student of the scripture. I encourage you to become involved in a local church. These two things will help you on your journey.